14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Game, Set, Match

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Helps if you have a couple of mill to burn giving people the axe!
Thanks for all the enquiries about the FOI request. We need some more help with the financing but we will get it done and we still have a couple of tricks up our sleeves. Taxpayers have been trying to get answers on how much it has cost us to axe 30 plus employees for the past few years. Councillors, not inside the bobblehead camp keep asking questions but get either doublespeak or straight misinformation as evidenced by the last quarterly report.

The next Council meeting will be an interesting one. Councillors are learning to keep their powder dry. There is no point asking tough questions at committee meetings when there is no press to report the doublespeak.
Bait the trap, set the trap, trigger the trap!

I’ve told the councillors that I talk to that it is easy to ask the first question. It is a real skill to use the first question to bait the trap, the second question to arm the trap and the third question to put the beast out of its misery. Politics is a blood sport. Serve up a lob question, drive your opponent to the base line and then score a winning point with an overhead smash!
Karin T prepares a smash question for Bobbles

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